
"Innovation in Research and Education for the transition to sustainable food systems"

Online registration for the ISEKI-Food25 conference can be followed here.
Abstract submission is only available for successfully registered persons (no more than two Abstracts per person).


Registration Fees


Non members

ISEKI members
















540 €

600 €

300 €

360 €

485 €

550 €

275 €

335 €

Conference Dinner: 60€


Special Benefits

  • (*) Special reductions on fees will be made to registrants coming from less developed economic regions, following the World Bank's country/region classification by income level. (country/region list and corresponding fees reduction below).

  • Members of ISEKIFOOD25's Scientific Committee: no deadline for Early Bird fee.

  • ISEKI-Food Association National Representatives: ISEKI-membership fee for 2026 will be waived.

  • ISEKI-Food Association Institutional members are allowed to send up to 5 participants to the ISEKI-Food 2025 conference with ISEKI-member reduction on registration fees.

  • Students: discounts are available for Bachelor, Master and PhD Students with a valid Student ID or certification of their institute.

  • Fees reduction for groups of 5 or more participants, 5-12% reduction (once applied, the registration fees will not be refundable).

  • In the unlikely event that ISEKI-Food Association shall deem it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed.


Payment Procedure

As soon as you register and choose a payment method, you will receive an email "ISEKI-Food: Registration for the event" with a link where you can access your proforma invoice with all payment details. After we receive your payment, you will be notified by email that your registration is confirmed. Furthermore, you will receive your final invoice by email.


Guidelines for online registration

For questions about registration, abstract submission, acceptance letter, certificates of attendance and participation, payments, please contact:

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