Poster Presentation
Due to very strict fire regulations in Germany, posters can only be presented as conventional print-out (A0 in vertical position = 840 x 1189 mm) on fire protection class B1 material (posters on regular or any other type of paper will not be accepted).
Poster Presentation with short oral/flash presentation
This is a new format which offered for the first time at the ISEKI_Food Conferences. Please don´t bring any printed poster, instead you will have the opportunity for a short oral presentation (approx. 10 minutes) in special sessions where an electronic version (ppt) has to be prepared for the conference and additionally A4 leaflets of the poster can be distributed at the conference.
For detailed information click HERE to download the guidelines.
The time of your presentation will be available soon on the programme page.
Oral Presentation
Please keep in mind that all oral presentations need to be held in English language.
The time of your presentation will be available soon on the programme page.
Please find HERE the guidelines for Oral presentations.