Connect4action Print E-mail
"Supporting dialogue for successful food innovations"

This workshop will serve as a forum to discuss communication issues during the food innovation process. This includes consumer needs and preferences, innovative ideas in a multi-disciplinary environment, and promoting novel food technologies for a commercial success of new food products. As part of the EU-funded project Connect4Action, a toolbox intended for actors involved in the food innovation process has been developed (click here) (full link: During the workshop, these tools and the training programmes will be presented and feedback will be gathered from participants, by means of break-out sessions and round table discussions.

This workshop is targeted at food technologists and consumer scientists with experience in food technology innovation, both from a technology and consumer research point of view. The idea is to help improve communication along the entire food chain during any product or technological innovation. For registration to this workshop, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Travel expenses and accommodation can be covered.

Agenda (click here)

Wednesday 21 May 2014 (09:00-14:00)

Supporting dialogue for successful food innovations

09:00-09:30 (30m)            Registration and welcome coffee


09:30-09:50 (20m)            Introduction to the Connect4Action project       

09:50-10:30 (40m)            Connect4Action toolbox and trainings   

10:30-10:45 (15m)            Coffee break     

Break-out Session

10:45-10:50 (5m)              Introduction to and purpose of break-out session Division of groups      

10:50-12:20 (90m)            Break-out Session          

12:20-13:00 (40m)            Summary in plenum      

13:00-14:00 (1h)                Lunch and networking  

Chairs: Dr Sophie Hieke (EUFIC), Dora Lakner (LEI Wageningen)  

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